Author Archives: Rebekah

Just for Fun

I haven’t blogged in a while, not much going on right now, but this weekend will be busy with a wedding, a senior shoot and an e-session! So, look for more pictures next week! For all you iPhone users out there, do you use Instagram? I love it! I just learned from Photojojo, that there...

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The Handleys

I had the opportunity to photograph the Handley family last weekend at their home.  Addie is 1 year old, so we got some great portraits of her as well as some family pictures.  Here are some of my favorites.

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The Farmers

I finally got to take pictures of this cute little family!  I’ve known Laura practically forever, so it was so much fun to get to photograph her family.  Here are some of my favorites.

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Amber & Chris :: Wedding

February 26, was a cold, drizzly day, but it was a beautiful wedding in Fulton.  Amber and Chris got married at the Winston Churchill Memorial Church.  Here are some of my favorites from the day.  

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The Camera Workshop!

Since I received a great response from my post about having a workshop, I’ve decided to have one!  Hooray! Here’s the website with all the information, including how to register. I’ve limited the class to 10 people, but if we fill up quickly and have more interest, I will probably offer another one in the...

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