Category Archives: Misc


This post may come as a shock to some and maybe not so much a shock to others.  I don’t know any other way to say it other than to just say it, so here it is.  As of the end of this year, 2012, I will be closing Rebekah Wright Photography.  I WILL still...

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New Website

I’m so excited to show this off!  I haven’t ever been truly happy with the design of my website.  It never really conveyed who I am as a photographer.  But that has all changed!  Thanks to the great Holly McCaig I now have a custom website and a design that I love!  Holly took some...

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If you are in Versailles, you might have noticed that the studio is no longer right on the hwy!  I’m only shooting on location shoots through June and July and then in August, opening back up at a new location out in the country!  I’ll be in Fortuna.  While this seems a little far, I’m...

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It’s been a while since I’ve blogged!  I’ve got a couple shoots and a wedding to blog, but let’s get caught up!  I spent my holidays in Honolulu with my family and we had a great time!  I hope you all had wonderful holidays as well! Last weekend I had a booth at the Bridal...

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The Haydens

I’ve known this couple for a long time.  🙂  Mary was my 6th grade art teacher.  They both were in a digital photography class that I taught a couple years ago.  They contacted me about doing some pictures for them, since they just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.  I was so glad they did.  It’s...

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